martes, 1 de diciembre de 2015

Krav-Maga Championship 2015


traditional Jiu-Jitsu Japanese championship 2015

The Best fighter in Boxing in the history ( after the Mohamed Ali)

Jeet Kune Do Championship 2015

Wing Chun Championship 2015

Kick Boxing Championship 2015 (summary)

Karate Championship 2015 in Madrid ( Club Sergio Martinez

martes, 3 de noviembre de 2015

The Best martial arts for my 10 - 1

The best martial arts for my of the last counting 10 i the first counting 1 are:

10: Karate (Japan)

It is a martial art of Japanese origin which is based on performing blows with the edge of the hand, elbows and the feet

9: Kick Boxing

It is a contact sport characterized by mixing the techniques of boxing, Thai Boxing and karate. This closely related with muay thai Thai sport, but without the blows of elbow and knee. It is considered a combat sport.

7: Wing Chun:

It is a type of Chinese martial art that is characterized by a short boxing style. It consists of 6 elements tecnicos-tacticos. These elements are: (Siu Nim Tao (小); CHUM Kiu (bridge); BIU Jee (鏢指); Muk Yan Jong (wooden dummy); Look Dim Boon Kwan - Luk Dim Bun Gwan (half past six-stick) and Baat Jam Dao - Baat Jaam Do (刀).

6: Jeet Kune Do:

5: Boxeo

It is a combat sport where only fought with fists inside a ring. It is said that it is a very lethal sport since a single blow could leave you unconscious for several seconds.


It is a Japanese martial art that focuses on the Defense without any kind of weapon. His main technique are dislocations joint above the kicks, combos, demolitions, projections, elusive, and bottlenecks.

3: Muay Thay

also known as Thai Boxing, is a Thai martial art, which develops foot using combined techniques of arms and legs.

2: Krav Magá

It is a type of Defense used by the Israeli defense forces. It is characterized for being a sport that uses all kinds of techniques hand empty, either, punches, blows of knees, bites, head butts, elbow, etc and includes working with simple weapons movements.

1: Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu

It is a combat sport and a type of martial arts resembling Ju-Jitsu, the difference is that this sport can fight on the ground and uses techniques from judo, although it seems to be at a disadvantage the subject

martes, 27 de octubre de 2015

As we define the Martial Arts ?

The Martial Arts consist of practices and traditions codified , whose mission will submit or defend through the technique in question .

As they use weapons or not , we can talk about martial arts weapons ( bow, spear, sword , staff , mace , ax , chain, knife and chain) and martial arts without weapons, which generally consist of punching , grabbing, kicking , locks , chokes, among others.

Currently , the practice of such nets may be due to a number of situations , including: for sport , for health, for personal protection, to encourage personal development, to achieve mental discipline , to contribute to the improvement of the character and self-confidence

martes, 20 de octubre de 2015

Different Types and Styles

A list of all existing martial techniques would be very long; we will name only the most commonly practiced today

These include:• Karate: Definitely one of the most popular martial arts in the world. Today it is practiced by people of all ages, even children. It is not particularly difficult to learn, and how one and progresses achieved different colored tape, everything depends on the black belt.• Aikido: Also a very popular martial art, aikido is significantly different from karate. First developed in Japan, and its main purpose is self-defense only. A doctor is never an attacker. Today, it is commonly used for recreational purposes to all generations.• Kendo: This technique focuses primarily on the use of a sword. While the two previous martial arts were practiced by civilians, kendo was originally used by trained soldiers. Today, kendo is a popular martial art practiced competitively in Japan.• Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu: This is another martial art of defensive mentality. It allows the use of arms, and focuses on the fight to the ground. It became very popular in the 1990s.

Martials Arts in the World

Since the beginning of these practices for centuries, styles have been created with metronomic regularity. From the 1930s marked a time when prolific drawing styles. For example, Aikido ("the way of harmony") was founded by master Morihei Ueshiba between 1930 and 1960, Judo (the way of gentleness). Created by Master Jigoro Kano in 1882.
Experts agree that martial arts will continue developing in the future. Moreover, most analysts believe that these practices martial continue to attract a growing and diverse group of men, women and even children. Source: Jake Ross

It is said that these arts were born in the Shaolin Temple in Honan Province, China. The traditional stories speak a wandering monk named Ta Mo (also known as Bodhidharma), of Indian origin, twenty eighth patriarch of Buddhism and founder of Zen Buddhism or how Chán. came to China under the reign of Emperor Wu of the Liang (502-549 AD). This pilgrim brought fighting techniques and philosophy contemplative associated with his homeland.

In fact, it is likely that the rudimentary forms of these arts were practiced and followed in China long before this wandering monk reaches Honan province. Most experts have concluded that the martial arts have been practiced in some form in China for over three thousand years.